birth stories

sharing our positive birth stories is important

It allows others to see that birth doesn’t have to be horrific ordeal that we are led to believe it is.

It encourages others to take a proactive approach to their birth preparation so that, they too can experience birth as the wonderful, natural event it is.

It has the power to change the narrative around birth forever so that our children, and our children’s children, can experience it better!

Below is a collection of positive birth stories shared (with permission) by some absolute birth bosses!

Birth stories


my story #1 - a birth centre birth

“It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. My proudest achievement. I was left feeling like an absolute Superhero, like I could do anything - and I genuinely believe that, had you asked me to, in that moment I could have”.


Olivia’s story #1 - a transfer to hospital

“I can't put into words the immense feeling of achievement I felt after delivering little Camille so perfectly… I just knew somehow that she was going to be just fine and that we both had it all under control. I never let go of that inner confidence”.


olivia’s story #2 - a home birth

“I was roaring. I just let myself go. I remember thinking 'this is exactly what I'm supposed to be doing'. Whenever a thought of panic or fear flitted into my mind I bashed it away 'KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING. Whatever you do, DO NOT STOP'“.


my story #2 - a Home birth

“At about 3.30am my doula came to see me and held my hand. Her presence was instantly grounding and I felt very calm and very excited about the birth ahead of me”.


S’s Birth story - a gentle caesarean

“Even though things deviated from what I wanted, it felt like such a wonderful experience because I felt really listened to and in control throughout”.


Lucy’s birth story - a home birth

“Matt was tearful and overcome with emotion but I felt high and elated, so proud of myself for crossing that finish line”.


amy’s birth story - a home birth

“…around 4.30am all 7lbs of our beautiful little guy eventually emerged, and was in my arms within seconds”.


katie’s story - induction on the labour ward

“My husband and I turned up at the hospital and were given a huge room and given loads of information about what was going to happen. I felt well informed at every step”


Cam’s birth story - (unintended) unassisted home birth

“It took us a moment to scoop her up into my arms… I manoeuvred to lay back on the bed with my daughter in my arms and was cared for by all”


Got a story you want to share?

Send me an email with your birth story and accompanying picture(s) of you and your brand new baby and I’ll publish it on this webpage!


 If you have a positive birth story you’d like to share then I’d love to hear from you!

Birth Boss is all about growing a community of strong and empowered parents unafraid to share their positive birth stories.

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Image credits: Mum in Birth Pool by Ash Blythe Photography